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When to delegate and what are the advantages and disadvantages of delegation



Delegate whenever possible. As with all delegations, the basic rules and principles must be observed. If they are not complied with, there can be no question of delegation, but rather of an autocratic leadership style. So what is the etiquette of delegation? It is always necessary to clearly communicate and inform the delegated person:

  • What is it about?
  • Who will do it?
  • How to do it? What resources does it have for it (financial, personnel, ...)?
  • Deadline?
  • If this is not clear, and the reason why it should be done or some benefits resulting from the implementation of the activity must be clarified.


First and foremost, save time. Delegation of important tasks has a positive effect on the personal growth of subordinates. Ideally, if it is a win-win, the delegate is relieved of the role that the delegate considers to be a trust.


The biggest disadvantage is that the delegating person is responsible for the activity that he does not ultimately carry out. Here it is possible to recommend one, communicate everything thoroughly and clearly and train the delegated person thoroughly.When delegating, we most often encounter two issues. The first is that there is no one to delegate to, it's worse case. The second problem is that there would also be someone to delegate, but the delegating person:

  • either cannot rely on the delegated person
  • he/she will do it faster/better,
  • or he/she will have to check it or rework it
  • he/she does not have good experience with it in the past (they tried it but it did not work well)
  • the delegated would spend a lot of time with it

Based on the above, the delegating person will still do it at his own expense. The delegating managerial skills that one simply does not have the nature to do can also be a problem. Of course, you can also work with that. Our experienced lecturers will be happy to help you with training Management, delegation, decision-making, meeting management (Management I) and Project management.

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